Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2 Months!

2 months old on February 14, 2013

Age: 2 months
Birthday: December 14, 2012
Weight: 11 pounds 13 ounces
Height 23 3/4 inches
Favorites: Jack loves to sing and dance to "The Wheels on the Bus", "If You're Happy and You Know It", "Itsy-Bitsy Spider" and "Patty Cake." We also make up our own songs like "Who's that Baby in the Mirror" and "There was a Jack who had a dog and Mollie was her name-o." His favorite toy is this singing puppy that rattles and lights up. 
Size: Clothes- 0-3month, although some of his pants are on the high-water side. Diapers-Size 1
Milestones: Jack smiles all the time. Especially when you change his diaper and sing to him. He's starting to eat 4-5 ounces at each feeding, but this is a slow process. He "talks" back to us all the time. He has started sleeping in his crib. He sleeps from about 10pm to 5am. Then he goes back to sleep after a bottle until 9am. Pretty good start I must say. 
Happiest Time: He's the happiest in the mornings. He loves to play and talk!

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