6 months old on June 14, 2013
Age: 6 months
Birthday: December 14, 2012
Weight: 16 pounds 10 ounces
Height 27 1/4 inches (guess we measured wrong last month oops)
Favorites: Jack loves Sophie the Giraffe. I think it might be his favorite toy right now. He loves standing up (with assistance). He is constantly moving and stomping his feet. :) He loves sitting up and playing with his toys on the floor. He also loves playing with his feet. He will just play on the floor and talk and try to get his feet. It's so cute!
Size: Clothes- 3-6 month or 6 month. Diapers-Size 2
Milestones: Jack is officially sitting up. He's been sitting up since 5 1/2 months. He is very strong and loves to play while sitting up. He also has officially found his voice. While he has been cooing and "talking" for a while now, it has gotten 100% louder and sillier. He constantly squeals and laughs at the top of his lungs while he plays. It's so funny!!! I think he says "Mommy" ;) We also have 2 teeth!!! One came in the last week of 5 months and the other came in the next week. He is so funny with them. He is constantly sticking his tongue out to feel them and does the "grampa face" as we call it, when he tucks his bottom lip in. We have also started solid foods. He is not a fan. :( I think it's a texture thing or he is just getting used to it. So far his favorite are peas. (Yuck!)
Happiest Time: He still is super happy in the morning. He is also very happy when we are on a walk and when he is playing with his friends.
Playing with his feet.
Talking and getting his piggies. :)
That is one SWEET BOY!!