5 months old on May 14, 2013
Age: 5 months
Birthday: December 14, 2012
Weight: about 16 pounds (not an official weight, just what we calculated with our scale)
Height 28in.
Favorites: Jack loves ANYTHING that you sing to him. We have an Elmo lover. Seriously if I pull Elmo up on my phone he gets so excited. He loves to chew on everything!!! He's really starting to love his Sophie the Giraffe. He loves to feel faces. If you hold him he will smile, gurgle, and touch your face. It's so sweet. He also loves throwing his toys on the floor....it's a fun game for daddy ;).
Size: Clothes- 3-6 month shirts and onesies, 3-6 month pants. Diapers-Size 2
Milestones: Jack is officially and side/belly sleeper. He is rolling over like cRaZy! He is trying sooo hard to sit up but just doesn't quite have the balance to do it on his own. He will lay on the bed, hold my hands and pull himself up to a sitting position and then a standing position!! He loves to stand up!!! Of course with me holding him. Boy is that tiring...for mommy!!! But boy his he happy when he's standing!! He's still eating about 6oz or 5oz with cereal. No other solid food yet. These teeth have to be coming in soon!!
Happiest Time: He's super happy in the morning and during bath time. He is happy most of the time. He loves playing when we get home from school.
Happy Boy!
Silly Boy!
He's getting bigger!
He's changed so much and I can't believe he was that tiny!!
Aww love that collage at the end!!! You are a super cute boy Mr. Jack!!!