8 months old on August 14, 2013
Age: 8 months
Birthday: December 14, 2012
Favorites: Jack still loves playing with his stack able rings, playground toy, and piano. He really loves the ball that goes on top. He loves anything that rattles when he shakes it. He loves his frog/lady bug rattle. He really loves to bang toys together to make noise. He LOVEs pears, bananas, and mangos.
Size: Clothes-6-9 month or 9month. Diapers-Size 3 (not much longer though)
Milestones: Jack is trying so hard to crawl, but just can't. He scoots backwards and in a circle. He has gotten on all 4s a few times. He loves to squeal and talk. He can now clap and give high fives. He also will copy you. If you squeal he will squeal. We have a third tooth. His top right tooth has come in. Boy was that one rough for the little guy. We've tried a sippy cups a few times with a little water or formula in it. He's doing ok, but we'll keep practicing.
Daily Routine: Still on the same routine. He is now eating 1 stage 2 jar of food at every meal...breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He loves puffs and has really mastered picking them up and putting them in his mouth. Exciting things this month: We went to visit Uncle Reed in Greensboro. We watched him play for the Greenville Drive. First Ikea trip...Mommy was excited. You went to your first "Friend" birthday party. William's party. You partied so hard that you fell asleep on my hip.
LOVE this silly boy!
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