4 months old on April 14, 2013
Age: 4 months
Birthday: December 14, 2012
Weight: 14 pounds 4 ounces
Height 26in.
Favorites: Jack LOVES the song "Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun." He really loves when we change the words to "Mr. Jack, Jack, Mr.Mr. Jack." He still loves the Baby Einstein radio/music player, but his favorite now is his Green O-Ball. His favorite toys are also his hands. He loves to chew on them!
Size: Clothes- 3-6 month shirts and onesies, 3-6 month pants. Diapers-Size 1
Milestones: Jack has such a personality now. He's so happy. He looks around at everything. He gets distracted with every little thing. He laughs all the time, especially during bath time. He loves to play in his Exersaucer and sit in the Bumbo seat. He's eating 6oz of formula. He's not quite ready for food yet. He's in the 30th percentile for weight and 80th for height. So he's long and lean. He had his first ear infection and croup on Easter weekend :( He did not sleep well with that so he's just now starting to sleep better. He found his thumb! He likes to suck his thumb, but doesn't use it to soothe himself. He still loves his WubbaNub pacifier and that soothes him. I still think we may have a tooth soon!
Happiest Time: He really is happy most of the day. He's still really happy in the morning and when he sees me in the afternoon ;). He is still SOOO happy during bath time!!
Love him!!! Great pics :)