Age: 11 months
Birthday: December 14, 2012
Favorites: Jack loves pancakes, yogurt, pb toast, and apple sauce. He loves pulling up on everything. He loves his new walker toy. He plays with the front more than pushes it, but he'll get it soon. Still loves Elmo and Super Why. He really likes Caillou and just about anything on Sprout that plays music.
Size: Clothes-6-9 month or 9month. Diapers-Size 4
Milestones: Jack is pulling up and cruising around. He can walk along the couch and tables. He loves to go from one toy to the other while standing up. He said is first word "Duck." He says it in the bathtub most of the time. He can brush his hair and pat his belly. He talks alllll the time. He's starting to dance when he hears music. Still only 7 teeth 4 on