Tuesday, September 17, 2013

9 Months Old

 9 months old on September 14, 2013
Age: 9 months
Birthday: December 14, 2012
Weight: 19 pounds
Height: 28 3/4 inches
Favorites: His favorite thing in the whole entire world is his Dino (Wubbanub) Paci. Oh my goodness does he light up when he sees that thing! He loves cheerios and graham crackers. He loves crawling around for his toys. On Saturday and Sunday mornings Jack LOVES to sit on the floor, play with his toys and watch Sesame Street, Elmo's World, and Super Why.

Size: Clothes-6-9 month or 9month. Diapers-Size 4
Milestones: Jack is crawling. Well low crawling/ army crawling. He's starting to get pretty fast at it. He rarely stays in one room anymore...time for baby gates. He loves to crawl into the kitchen when I'm cooking dinner. He gets up on his knees and rocks back and forth. I'm sure he'll be crawling soon! We've lowered his crib. Jack has 6 teeth now. That's right 6!!! He got his top 4 come in all within 2 1/2 weeks. He almost has a new one on the bottom, but it hasn't quite come in yet. He's now trying a new sippy cup...the one with the straw. He's doing an awesome job with it. He has Pear Juice or Milk in it. He's tried cheese and mac and cheese. He was HILARIOUS trying cheese!! Not a fan of mac and cheese yet, but I told him that he would love it one day. He added the "ga-ga" and "ba-ba" sounds. 

Exciting things this month: Jack attended his first wedding. Uncle David and Aunt Kay got married on September 7. He was soooo good and loved visiting his family. We celebrated Daddy's 30th Birthday and Uncle Reedy's 23nd Birthday.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fun Weekend

          Played with my girl Peyton!
                      Tried cheese
           Cookout with the Routsons!
                 Ross' Birthday Party.
           Snuggled up with my pacis